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Friday, August 24, 2012

Making a list...of books, movies, music, and more
I keep lists around me all of the time—to do lists, reminder lists, lists of things to read, lists of lists. Our excellent Readers Services staff (the folks on the third floor) make lists too—lists of books, movies, music, and more. You can always find the most recent collections of lists on the catalog's Staff Picks page.

On the Staff Picks page, you will find top ten lists for everything documentary films to plays. There are top picks for teen lit, magazines, Each list is a collection of items that you can checkout from the library. Sometimes you'll find ebooks and websites listed too.

We've also started featuring these lists of great materials on our "Great Reads", "Great Movies", and "Great Music" pages. When you are looking for helpful tools to get reading recommendations or to access, you will also see covers scrolling by on the side. Click on an interesting item and learn more about it.

Our staff are voracious readers. These lists are a great way to tap into their knowledge about what's coming out soon and what is the best of the best. So, whether you are poking around in the catalog, or see something enticing on our "Great Reads" page, be sure to take advantage of this treasure trove of knowledge.

Want to hear more from our Readers Services staff? Hop on over to the Positively Ellinwood blog. This week, Laura writes about the post-9/11 novel, The Submission by Amy Waldman.

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