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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Text a Librarian - How Cool Is THAT?

You've been calling us with reference questions for years. You've probably been emailing us for well over a decade. Let's move into the 21st century: you can text us your reference questions!

We're rolling out a new service called "Text a Librarian." Did you know more Americans send text messages rather than making phone calls? In 2008, U.S. mobile subscribers averaged 357 text messages a month!

Now, texting is a good way for you to reach your library, too.

Here's how "Text a Librarian" works - it's so simple you won't believe it.
  • Dial 66746 on your mobile device;

  • Begin the body of your message with the 4 letter code: dppl;

  • Then type your question and hit send.
Save 66746 in your address book with a nickname like "library" so it's easy to get to us. This service is only available during normal business hours but you will receive a message if we are closed so you know the message went through.

A helpful tip: you only need to type "dppl" in the first time you send a message from a particular device. After that, our system will remember you. It will not, however, reveal your mobile phone number to us, so your privacy is protected and your number cannot be sold to pesty telemarketers.

Pretty simple, isn't it? Give it a whirl, whether you need a quick fact (what's the population of Des Plaines? what's the date of Memorial Day this year?), directions (is the library north or south of Oakton Community College?) or even library information (what are your hours today?). If you do try it, please let us know what you think of this new service.

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